Making Babies and GIVEAWAY


I heard about this book a little while back.  I decided to check to see if it was on Paperbackswap and indeed it was, so I requested a copy.

Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility by Sami S. David MD and Jill Blakeway, LAc

TTC infertility making babies

It is so good.

I thought I knew the basics about human anatomy and how it works to, well…make babies.  But I learned so many things.  Not only did I become even more fascinated with the intricate and complex way we were created, but I realized some mistakes (or potential mistakes) we were making in trying to conceive.

I have heard it said that if you are considering starting a family, you should do all you can to get into optimal health before trying to conceive.  I always rather dismissed it, thinking it must be talking to people who are obviously unhealthy.  But after reading this book, I agree.

If you are thinking about or are currently trying to get pregnant, I definitely recommend pursuing an overall healthy lifestyle.  This book is a great way to do it.

First of all, the book explains the basics of a woman’s cycle, important lifestyle choices, ways to de-stress (including self-fertility massage), and a general TTC diet guide.

Then it talks about different fertility types and includes an in-depth quiz so you can determine your fertility type.  Then the authors talk about specific things for you to do, based on your type, to achieve health, ranging from exercise to diet to supplements.

In my doctor visits, I have definitely noticed that doctors tend to put you in a box and don’t ask a lot of questions.  What is normal for one woman’s cycle may not be normal for another woman’s cycle, and it is not enough for a doctor to dismiss symptoms as “normal cycle variance” just because there is a wide range of normal. This book addresses all of those things and takes your body into account so you can achieve maximum health.

From the back of the book…

“With a joint approach that is uniquely complementary, reproductive endocrinologist Dr. Sami David and founder of the YinOva Center, Jill Blakeway, draw on the best Western and Eastern medicine to create the Making Babies program, designed to help any woman get pregnant as naturally as possible.  With 4,000 successful pregnancies under their belts, David and Blakeway explain what might be stopping you from getting pregnant and how you can tailor a three-month action plan to meet your needs.  With the Making Babies program, you will:

  • Prepare your body for healthy, natural conception by implementing lifestyle changes as well as early intervention strategies
  • Discover common (and not so common) problems impeding your fertility that can be easily resolved (sometimes a simple course of antibiotics is all you need)
  • Determine your ‘fertility type’ and learn how to personalize an easy-to-follow prescription plan”

I have been so impressed with many of their testimonials, as they describe many patients who came to them after years of infertility, only to discover their problem was as simple as using the wrong kind of lube or an infection that their Dr failed to test.  Or even for the testimonials where there are more serious issues, there have been amazing results from people following the Making Babies program.

Obviously, I can’t guarantee that you will get pregnant after reading this book and utilizing their suggestions.  But I feel so much better after reading it and I am betting you will too.  I feel more knowledgeable (and there is a sense of “empowerment” in that) and definitely more proactive as I am making healthier choices.

Giveaway Time

I would love to bless someone else with a copy of this book.  If you would like a chance to win, click the link below to enter via Rafflecopter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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31 Days ttc infertility

9 thoughts on “Making Babies and GIVEAWAY

  1. The aspect of the book that most intrigues me is the tips for optimizing fertility such as massage techniques, diet, supplements, etc. We’be been TTC for 2 years now and still no look.

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